This file was selected as the media of the day for 24 March 2020. It was captioned as follows:
English: Piano sonata in C minor (opus 111), movement 1. Composed by Ludwig van Beethoven. The performance was recorded during a public recital at the University of Washington
Other languages
English: Piano sonata in C minor (opus 111), movement 1. Composed by Ludwig van Beethoven. The performance was recorded during a public recital at the University of Washington
Эрзянь: C minor (арс. 111), 1-це пелькс Сонатась фортопианас. Арсизе Людвиг ван Бетховен. Седямось ульнесь сёрмадозь Вашингтотонь Университетсэ панжадо концертсэ.
== Summary == {{Information |Description = This a performance by Neal O'Doan of Beethoven's last piano sonata, opus 111 in Cminor. They were recorded during a public recital at the University of Washington. |Source = The Al Goldstein collection in the [ht
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